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Cimitero delle Fontanelle Napoli

Visit the Fontanelle Cemetery

The Fontanelle Cemetery is a unique site in the world and therefore deserves to be visited by anyone who comes to Naples. The peculiarity of this cemetery is not what you see but in all the stories, anecdotes and curiosities are behind you: all the information you will not find anywhere written.

That is why we strongly recommend visiting the Fontanelle Cemetery with a guide!

The Fontanelle Cemetery is an ex-ossuary that grows over 3000 square meters. and contains the remains of an unspecified number of people.

It is located in Sanitation, one of the richest districts of Naples's history and tradition.

The cemetery is known because there was the ritual of the "souls", that is, the adoption and care by a Neapolitan of a certain skull of an abandoned soul (called capuchella) in exchange for protection.

Every corner, every corridor of the Fontanelle Cemetery is rich in history, anecdotes, legends, and curiosities waiting to be heard.

Cimitero delle Fontanelle Napoli
Orari di ingresso CImitero delle Fontanelle

Open days and open hours of the Cemetery

Biglietti d'ingresso al Cimitero delle Fontanelle

Entrance Ticket, discounts and other infos about Fontanelle Cemetery

Domande frequenti sul Cimitero delle Fontanelle

All the most frequent asked question about Fontanelle Cemetery

The Fontanelle Cemetery is located in Via delle Fontanelle 80, Napoli in one of the most historical district: Sanità

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Storia del Cimitero delle Fontanelle

From the 16th century to the present, the various transformations of use of the Fontanelle Cemetery

dinner show in Naples
foto cimitero delle fontanelle

A selection of the best pictures of Fontanelle Cemetery